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Wellbeing & Welfare

Wellbeing, welfare, safeguarding and conduct

Kent AC takes the welfare and wellbeing of its members very seriously. We are obliged through our affiliation to various governing bodies to implement the codes of conduct policies and procedures that they and we have established.

Welfare – what it means

The Club aims to create an environment where you feel safe and are able to participate in club or other events without being subject to any form of harassment, bullying, verbal or physical abuse or excessive pressure.

Welfare covers a wide range of issues such as safeguarding and protecting children, anti-bullying, equality, poor practice in coaching and disciplinary and grievance matters. The Club’s and England Athletics’ (EA) Codes of Conduct and procedures for dealing with child protection concerns, other welfare issues or grievances are detailed on this website.

The welfare team The club has three welfare officers who will listen confidentially* to any issue that may arise, and endeavour to support your individual needs and wellbeing (including child members and their parent/legal guardian). If you have any queries or concerns, we encourage you to contact one of the welfare officers below and discuss your concern directly with them. Sarah Maris Shaw Katie Lang Sarah Young

* In order to provide the support for your needs and wellbeing, the information shared with a Welfare Officer may be shared with other Welfare Officers and/or the Committee, but only on a need to know basis. Exceptions are also made, for example if you may present a danger of violence to others; or if there is a reasonable suspicion that you are likely to harm yourself unless protective measures are taken. This may include contacting the relevant authority e.g Police, Social Services or EA. For your protection.

Welfare – what we expect from our members

It is everyone’s responsibility to ensure the safety and enjoyment of all those who participate in club events.


Safeguarding applies to children and vulnerable adults and means:

  • Protection from abuse and maltreatment
  • Preventing harm to health or development
  • Ensuring children grow up with the provision of safe and effective care.

Types of abuse can include: bullying or cyberbullying, child sexual exploitation, emotional abuse, grooming, neglect, physical abuse or sexual abuse.

Codes of conduct

The club has adopted England Athletics’ codes of conduct for adult members, coaches, officials, volunteers and helpers, welfare officers and parents and guardians. There are also policies procedures and regulations for the club in how it manages both adult and child safeguarding.

The club has other policies of its own including Equality Diversity and Inclusion; Health and Safety and the Use of Whats App; see below for links to them. All members as part of the joining or membership renewal process must agree to have read and follow them.

Grievance and discipline.

The club has policies and processes for dealing with serious disputes between members (grievances) and discipline (when a member has seriously transgressed a club policy or code).

May 2024; approved at committee 13.5.2024.

For review in May 2027

WhatsApp Policy

March 2023 Kent AC’s main official source of formal sharing of information is via its website and via its newsletters sent by email, which all members receive. We recognise that coaches and others may wish to use the instant messaging app WhatsApp as an informal means of communication in addition to official club channels. There...

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Grievance and Disciplinary Policies and Procedures

Introduction and scope We understand that participants in athletics/running are volunteers and they participate because they choose to. However, there are certain standards of behaviour that we expect from everyone. Unfortunately there are occasions when these standards are not reached or adhered to. We detail below the Kent AC grievance procedure, for situations when there...

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Safeguarding & Child Protection

Safeguarding and child protection Kent Athletic Club is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and adults. It is the responsibility of all of us to create an environment where everyone involved in the club feels safe and secure to enable them to achieve their potential. All children and young people have the right to...

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Codes of Conduct

The club has adopted England Athletics’ codes of conduct for adult members, coaches, officials, volunteers and helpers, welfare officers, and parents and guardians. Coaches, officials and the welfare team are licensed or registered with England Athletics and if their license requires it, must hold a current DBS. All members as part of the joining or...

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Health and Safety Policy Statement

Kent AC is strongly committed to encouraging our members to take part, but the health, well-being and safety of each individual is always our paramount concern.  We recommend levels of training dependent on age and ability and expect our athletes to participate within these boundaries. Health and Safety Policy To support our Health & Safety...

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Equality & Diversity

Equality and diversity policy statement.  Kent AC is committed to ensuring that equity is incorporated across all aspects of its development. In doing so it acknowledges and adopts the following Sport England definition of sports equity: Sports equity and diversity is about fairness in sport, equality of access, recognising inequalities and taking steps to address...

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